Dune Part 2’s current rating on IMDb is 10/10, not even 9.9, a perfect 10! Hollywood is shocked after the audience experiences Dune Part 2, with viewers claiming to have an orgasmic response. But is it really a perfect 10? Having watched the movie on IMAX, I’ll review the 2-hour 45-minute-long Dune Part 2. Part one, released in 2021, was an outstanding film, but its ending lacked satisfaction. Dune Part 2 has its negatives, but before diving into those, let’s explore the positives.

Watching this movie felt like undergoing eye therapy; we’re not accustomed to such outstanding visuals and colour grading. The combination of visual and practical effects in Part 2 mirrors the success of Part 1, which won six Oscars. Cinematography, sound, editing, and music contribute to Dune Part 2’s Oscar-worthy elements.

I can guarantee that next year, Part 2 will win at least 10 Oscars. Such exceptional visuals haven’t been seen in a long time, and it’s imperative to watch Part 1 to truly understand Part 2’s intricate family politics.

Returning to Dune Part 2, a significant amount of time is dedicated to family politics, which may feel slow. Characters deliver dialogues in slow motion, creating a leisurely pace that may resonate with some viewers. Now, let’s talk about the action in the movie.

Without giving too many spoilers, the movie features memorable action sequences, including a moment with a desert monster that resonates with the world-building in Avatar. The film excels in detailing the world, portraying water scarcity and unique technologies.

The background music, composed by Hans Zimmer, is a standout element. If you enjoyed the Interstellar BGM, you’ll find similarities in Dune’s music, creating a immersive experience.

Cinematography enthusiasts will appreciate the use of different color gradings, including black and white. While some early reviews mention a character that sparks discussion, the film includes a few kissing scenes without nudity.

For cinephiles seeking an experiential rather than purely entertaining movie, Dune Part 2 is a must-watch on the big screen. I am surprised that the movie’s budget of 190 million dollars will likely be recouped within the first weekend. Go watch it; it’s a fantastic cinematic experience.

Remember, watch it for the experience; entertainment takes a back seat.