How Intelligent Is Batman?

I decided to analyze Batman’s intelligence to dive into what actually makes a brain tick and what makes some more capable than others. Growing up with a bunch of speech impediments, I was constantly fired up to change my brain into something better. But how much smarter can a brain truly get, especially when compared to the likes of geniuses like Stephen Hawking and child prodigies who receive their bachelor’s degrees from Oxford? At 13 years old, Batman’s rumored IQ of somewhere around 200 may not be that far off real-world geniuses. So, having gone over his physical feats, what are Batman’s intellectual feats? Batman, being a shining example of hyperrealism, is what’s known as a hyperpolyglot, as he’s able to speak at least 10 languages, which include Japanese, Latin, French, German, and even Kryptonese. Kind of like real-life doctor Rojas Berskia, who speaks 22 living languages and six classical languages. Batman, having studied chemistry and engineering in his travels abroad, has deduced the location of the Court of Owls base based upon the taste of the mineral content in the water being the same as the Gotham River, and was able to improvise an explosive out of a camera by igniting the camera’s filament plates being made out of Potassium Chlorate like members of law enforcement need to do. He’s unsurprisingly memorized the entire layout of his own city, Gotham, including all of its sewers, and has learned to speed read at an incredible rate.

Similar to Maria Teresa Calderon from the Philippines who can speed read 80,000 words a minute with a high amount of comprehension. Batman can also lip-read from a distance and has, in a test of his technical ingenuity, been placed in a pitch-black room under the Egyptian Sphinx where with limited air he managed to take the various parts from the now broken tech he prepared in advance and built 2 high-tech power gloves to dig his way out.
In Green Arrow number 75, Batman managed to synthesize a chemical agent capable of turning walls into a special liquid to save a group of people. Which is extraordinarily difficult as most chemicals capable of doing this, like hydrofluoric acid, which unlike the hydrochloric acid our stomachs produce, can dissolve concrete rocks and should under no circumstances be anywhere near humans, as even coming into contact with a small amount of it will quickly result in multiple organ failure. But Batman’s chemical happened to turn the wall into a compound similar to water. But extraordinary things like this have happened in real life, like when Aza Abdel Hamid, at the age of 16, discovered a way to somehow turn plastic into a usable form of biofuel and thus is transforming Egypt’s economy. Beyond turning walls into liquid, Batman has created a chemical that is able to liquefy the invincible hero that is Plastic Man that he ends up using on Plastic Man’s son. Batman has many times saved his fellow teammates from certain death, like him realizing that he can bring Martian Manhunter back to life.
Telling Flash to basically jolt Manhunter cells with a speed Force has hacked into dark sized hellspore stockpile that he uses to transform planets into lava planets and told the God off. And has analyzed Mr. Freeze’s weaponry to create a defrosting process to save his victims. Which is almost as impressive as real-life biomedical engineer Nina Tandon, who founded a company that is developing revolutionary technology that can actually grow individualized bones from the stem cells of patients. Batman has also used his knowledge as a chemist to cure Poison Ivy, designed the entire Hall of Justice as well as the watchtowers defense systems and created a communication device powerful enough to communicate with Superman even when he is off planets. Which is impressive as a hyper-realistic satellite phone when you realize that normal satellite phones will obviously needing the use of a satellite to transmit a signal must still be below the satellite they are trying to connect to. This space-defying phone is almost as impressive as the fact that upon being asked, Batman, after figuring out what the radiation from a Red Star does, the Superman cells was able to craft a red sun generator that was also small enough to fit into a child’s watch.

And then there’s the fact that Batman has built a fully functioning brainwashing machine to rewrite people’s tragic past, has created a cloning machine to clone a new version of himself every 27 years after he’s gone, and is also able to continually backup and restore his memories whenever he wants to. So what is it that makes someone like Batman or these many real-world scientists more intelligent than the average person? And how can you increase your own? An individual’s general intelligence is divided into two broad categories, being crystallized and fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is based upon your ability to recall already learned knowledge and past experiences to solve problems.
Fluid intelligence, on the other hand, involves someone’s ability to adapt to brand new problems and situations, and thus has no past experience and often no current knowledge about the task at hand to rely on. Well, the accumulation of crystallized intelligence tends to slow down as we age, since people usually stop learning new skills as they grow older. Fluid intelligence takes a steep decline once we get out of our 20s, so creating a solution to counteract the latest Joker toxin or to figure out how to navigate through space debris like Amber Yang did before she finished high school is going to be pretty tough. And thus we get into one of the biggest problems we face in the modern world as the dramatic decline in people’s fluid intelligence, and thus their overall IQ, is mostly due to them degrading their nervous system by consuming junk foods, not exercising, and poor sleep that is then topped off by consuming drugs and alcohol. Research shows that a person’s fluid intelligence shouldn’t actually peak until their 40s, nearly a full 20 years later after people see a sharp decline in their ability to just think.
Which is also why the writers cleverly have put Batman on a pretty strict diet that we go over in our other video. But what if you decided that not only are you going to stop this cognitive decline from happening through eating more like Bruce, but you wanted to know how to increase your IQ, if it’s possible at all. And just as I fixed my speech problems and eventually took an extremely nervous 100-foot trip straight across from my human anatomy lab to an acting center directly across the street, your brain is extremely plastic. But the research on whether someone can raise what is otherwise in artificial IQ score is incomplete. So let’s rephrase the question to a better one. Can you increase your brain’s overall intelligence? Or are you stuck exactly as you are, like increasing the amount and pace at which you learn new information and the speed at which you can think through sudden problems? The answer is a pretty clear. yes, As a species, we don’t actually know the limits to how smart and quick any individual can get at any single, let alone multiple, subjects.
Again, personified by Batman who is more of a representation of many modern-day people, some who have 19 to 30°. As humans, we have the unique ability to get really good at a lot of things and ultimately it all comes down to practice.