A 1 hr 54 min movie where a retired MMA fighter leaves everything, shifts to his village to play the role of bouncer. A beach type village where all people drink alcohol and quarrel with each other, you see anger in everyone’s eyes.
Our hero comes there to stop the quarrel with an attitude like no one will mess with me. If you mess with me then I will hit you. And this is where the action of this movie comes. All the punches in the entire movie that have been hit, everything seems real and there is no such thing as one punch and four goons fall down, that useless thing of goons flying is not there in the movie, that’s why the fight scene seems real to you. In the whole movie punches coming from left, right, up, down everywhere, camera angles are also coming from below from above the camera work is absolutely crazy! I was just shocked why it was not released in theatres. On top of everything, the character introduction was really amazing it really hypnotized me. Like the hero hero: Delton. When he is introduced when he takes entry inside the ring. That was dope as hell!!


And the superstar ‘Conor McGregor’ woh what a rowdy avatar!, I have never seen such a rowdy villain till date. He doesn’t park the car he directly hits the cars. As soon as the villain enters, there is a feeling in the entire movie, there is a fear that what will this crazy psycho do right now. I swear it’s a guilty pleasure for action fans.


But the biggest problem of this movie is they made a remake of ‘Road House 1989’ but they don’t know how to end the movie they are just lost in the story it’s not a big negative point of the movie but it’s a spoiler as well, all this negative is covered by the action scene and everyone’s performance specially ‘Jake Gyllenhaal’. This guy has gone to the next level but not giving him Oscar Oscars are being insulted. The movie is worth your time I didn’t realize how the 1 hr 54 min passed while watching the movie I would like to give this movie a rating of 8/10 it’s full of entertainment a must-watch for action fans.