The Series That Influenced an Entire Generation

Due to the lockdown, people had more free time than ever, which prompted many to seek out new entertainment to soothe their newfound boredom. This caused a massive surge of new and returning anime fans. For those new to anime, TikTok played a massive part in providing not only recommendations but also allowing people to dive deeper into the medium through many forms of content such as edits, reviews, and discussions.

The Anime Surge

There’s no denying that TikTok played a major role during the pandemic for many people, none more so than the anime community as a whole. TikTok was the go-to place for any anime fan.

Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan were the dominant series at the time. However, their notoriety and popularity served as the perfect gateway that would eventually lead people down the pipeline of discovering other noteworthy series like Hunter x Hunter and Demon Slayer. But no other series managed to match that same level of popularity quite like Vinland Saga.

Vinland Saga

If you’ve ever heard the saying I have no enemies, it’s from the series Vinland Saga. The series’ popularity skyrocketed throughout quarantine as its first season came to an end. The series follows Thorfinn, the son of a legendary Viking whose strength was second to none. Following the death of his father, Thorfinn’s life was thrown into a spiral of hatred and anger. Thorfinn then spent almost a decade seeking vengeance under Askeladd, the man responsible for his father’s death. He lived his life for this sole purpose, one derived from an ambition of vengeance and retribution.

However, Thorfinn’s goal to avenge his father was stripped away from him in front of his very eyes. The man he wanted to kill so badly was slain by a different sword, stripping Thorfinn of his one purpose and reason for living. Confused, lost, and having no direction in life, he appeared to be a mirror of many of us throughout the pandemic. Thorfinn struggled to navigate an aimless existence, looking like a shell of the man he used to be. His entire life was derived from hatred and vengeance, but when he lost that, he had nothing.

One night, Thorfinn has a dream of coming face to face with all those that he’s killed in his life. During this dream, he is also confronted by Askeladd, the man who he spent so long trying to kill. However, this time their conversation was not about causing death and destruction, but about healing and compassion. Thorfinn is instructed to release all of his pent-up anger and frustration and finally forgive himself for all of the blood that he has spilled. It was at this point that Thorfinn was finally able to look internally and forgive himself. Thorfinn would vow to never harm anyone ever again, to finally live a life free of violence and hatred.


This newfound philosophy was put to the test during his time spent as a slave, during which he was subjected to a severe beating. After such a brutal punishment, Thorfinn said to his aggressors, “We don’t know each other or bear each other any grudge. Why should we have to beat one another?” He finally realizes the importance of his father’s words told to him as a child and exclaims that he has no enemies.

Watching Thorfinn grow from a boy with nothing but pain and hatred in his heart into a man with compassion for everyone he meets, and more significantly, a man with no enemies, impacted almost everyone who was able to bear witness to this growth. Thorfinn’s growth and development spurred a massive wave among anime fans and beyond. The internet exploded for months on end with countless videos made about people following Thorfinn’s example by forgiving not only others but themselves, allowing them to live a better life just like Thorfinn did. People began to implement this philosophy into their own lives, showing grace in times they normally wouldn’t and being compassionate in a world struck by tragedy.

Berserk And Vagabond

Vinland Saga wasn’t the only series that had this effect on people, though. Series with similar themes of self-improvement and forgiveness, like Berserk and Vagabond, also played a significant role. Musashi from Vagabond, who, through his journey of understanding true strength, and Guts from Berserk, who sought purpose through never-ending struggle, provided adjacent examples.


Musashi was a man defined by his ability to kill. He was ruthless, able to destroy 70 men all in the name of strength and hoping to become invincible under the sun. Musashi’s endless journey of seeking strength led him to the same conclusion as Thorfinn: he realized that invincible is merely a word and that all truly strong people are kind. The strength that he so badly wanted didn’t come from how many men he could kill or how many villages he could destroy; it came from within, from the ability to be kind to others and yourself.


Guts, on the other hand, is easily the most extreme example of the three. His journey shows us how to continue moving forward despite the hardships we face. He has experienced more pain than any character that I’m aware of. He’s been betrayed, taken advantage of, and seen things that nobody should ever have to witness. But regardless of it all, he continues forward. He is Guts the Struggler, a perfect representation of the indomitable human spirit and why we have to keep moving through life despite the pain, suffering, and loss.

How It Saved a Generation

The trend of I have no enemies truly took off in July of 2023. It started with people making TikTok videos about prioritizing kindness and positivity over hatred and negativity. The trend centered around having a positive perspective in life and having no enemies, stemming from a highly acclaimed series with no issues surrounding it. It was a much healthier alternative to the initial self-improvement trend. This change was much more suited for the youth, promoting personal growth, kindness, and forgiveness, and making many feel comfortable with their mental health issues, especially how to overcome them in a positive way.

The videos that circulated the internet about this trend were made for the sole purpose of bettering oneself. Some videos helped people physically become the best version of themselves, while others focused on perspective and understanding how much the act of kindness can change your life. It became a trend that transcended the bounds of just being a quote from an anime. It was a lesson that many took to heart and one that helped them become the best version of themselves through a time where all hope was lost.

Self Improvement

The core message and surging popularity of these three series caused a massive surge of people wanting to better themselves. The concept of self-love, kindness, and compassion changed the perspective of so many people who felt at their lowest. However, those four words had more of an impact than anything else: I have no enemies.

During the pandemic, it was very easy to slip into a vicious cycle of negativity when almost everything seemed to be at its worst. Many were cast into the darkest times of their life, but after hearing those four words and being able to share the journey with Thorfinn, Musashi, and Guts, many people were inspired to change for the better. During a time of extreme loss and hopelessness, people were able to grasp onto this newfound ambition to do better and to become better. Regardless of whether people chose to better themselves physically or work on their mental health, at the end of the day, it’s all improvement.

Experiencing the journey of Guts struggling through unimaginable tragedy and hardship, Musashi coming to realize that true strength lies in kindness, and witnessing Thorfinn forgive himself and letting go of revenge to live a life free of hatred with no resentment towards anyone changed my life and the lives of millions of people all around the world. These three characters have changed the way that so many people live their lives during an era of loneliness, isolation, and confusion. We managed to become better.

From My Perspective

If I were to leave you with one final sentiment, it would be this: Remember to always be kind because that’s what being strong truly means. Through life and all its pain and suffering, struggle through it all just to see tomorrow, and most importantly, have no enemies, not even yourself.

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