Top 4 Mind-Blowing TV Series with Super Unique Concepts

Now, we will delve into four web/TV series that offer truly unique concepts, setting them apart from the usual fare that may leave you feeling uninspired. Here’s our curated list

  • The Umbrella Academy
  • Another Life
  • Under the Dome
  • The Protector
The Umbrella Academy | 4 seasons

The series kicks off in 1989 when, coincidentally, numerous women give birth to a total of 43 children. What’s surprising is that none of these women were previously pregnant, and they all deliver simultaneously under mysterious circumstances. A billionaire adopts seven of these children, each endowed with distinct supernatural abilities. These seven kids form the Umbrella Academy and must learn to wield their powers effectively to save the world. However, a twist occurs when their adopted father mysteriously dies. One of the seven children, possessing the power of time travel, receives a foreboding message from the future, indicating the imminent end of the world. Now, watch as these seven superhumans endeavour to avert disaster and unravel the mysteries surrounding their existence. The series boasts an IMDb rating of 7.9/10

Another Life | 2 seasons

A colossal UFO descends upon Earth, carrying a myriad of bizarre alien species. To discern the UFO’s purpose, an astronaut team is assembled, and a spaceship is dispatched into space for investigation. However, their communication with Earth is abruptly severed, leaving the astronauts stranded in space. Will they manage to return to Earth? Can they thwart the alien threat, which has already ravaged multiple planets? As the astronauts grapple with these questions, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Keep this series on your watchlist to uncover the thrilling answers.

Under the Dome | 3 seasons

Set in a small American town called Chester’s Mill, the series unfolds when an enormous, transparent dome suddenly envelops the town, trapping its inhabitants inside. Stranded within the dome, the townsfolk must adapt to their new reality, where resources are limited and survival becomes paramount. As they strive to comprehend the origin and purpose of the dome, they also endeavour to establish contact with the outside world. With a rating of 6.5/10 on IMDb, this series is available on Amazon Prime.

The Protector | 4 seasons

Hakan Demir, the protagonist of this series, who resides in Istanbul with his father. Hakan’s life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers that he is the Protector, bestowed with the responsibility by a secret society to defend the world against a malevolent force. Armed with a mysterious dagger capable of vanquishing immortals, Hakan embarks on a mission to safeguard Istanbul from these formidable adversaries. Discover whether Hakan succeeds in his mission in this uniquely captivating series, available on Netflix.